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Western leaders - “Stop treating our people like Arabs”


Following the killing of seven Brits and Americans working for World Central Kitchen in Gaza, western leaders have reminded Netanyahu that our people are not to be treated like Arabs.

”We’re mad as hell,” said a White House spokesman today. “And I don’t mean in a vague ‘ideally could you stop doing this’ kinda way, like when you kill 30,000 Arabs. I mean genuinely pissed.”

”Quite right,” added a spokesman for 10 Downing Street. “It’s just not on to treat the British this way. Especially when they’re really British, not just people we have to call British to avoid being hauled up in front of some committee.

”Though ideally don’t kill them either, or we’d probably be obliged to go through the motions of making a fuss.”

The spokesman also commented that he entirely understood the desperate situation of Gazans facing a disastrous famine, as he once arrived for a late supper at Rules to find they were out of the Chateaubriand.


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