Donald Trump has refused to rule out military action in his quest to acquire a Panama hat.
Although Panama hats are widely available from reputable suppliers, and are also available on the internet, The Donald does not seem ready to acquire one this way.
‘I did have a Panama hat, but it was stolen from me,’ claimed almost-President Trump on his anti-social media platform Social UnTruth. ‘Luckily, I have thousands of MAGA caps still in stock, at only $39.99 plus postage. Buy now before prices rise.
‘As a free American, I have a constitutional right to wear whatever hat I like, even if it is a Panama hat and un-American by definition. And all free Americans have the right to defend, or attack, hats of any colour, if they feel like it, including with automatic weapons. It’s the American way.
Just to be clear, I only want a Panama hat so that I can jump up and down on it, to show everyone what my approach to foreign policy will be.’
Picture credit: Wix AI