A 30 year old woman was today praised for getting a small, fluffy, white dog, despite still intending to go on and have children. She bought the Pomeranian, popular with various shades of female who have all but given up on even starting to attempt the arduous slog of finding a male capable of being relied upon, from a breeder renowned for padding out the modern lives of the anxious with dependable love.
The dog, which she has tentatively named, Strongandwontletmedown, apparently had no idea that its role was to be that of a companion rather than fetus substitute. ‘Little Strongandwontletmedown is yapping away for all the world as if I’m going to be one of those sorry sights pushing a dog down the street in a pram. I am not,’ she emphasized with just a tinge of evolving bitterness.
Strongandwontletmedown is a white a Pomeranian, a comparatively rare colour in the bloodline. Commentators are expressing fears that this extra level of pure cuteness may .distract the owner from the urge to motherhood. ‘She’s going to get a lot of positive attention on the street,’ said one male serial monogamist familiar with letting down women between the ages of 29 and 35. ‘The constant praise of Strongandwontletmedown’s beauty is inevitably going to mislead the woman into believing she had some genetic role in the dog’s looks and health. I’m worried that when Strongandwontletmedown dies she may move onto cats.’
‘I’ve seen it all before,’ said another tinder jockey. ‘Woman gets dog, says dog is not kid substitute, woman eventually dyes hair orange.’ But others are offering support. ‘By saying she can raise a dog and aspire to produce a human child she’s breaking new ground in the fight for something or other,’ it is thought a few female academics may have postulated. Meanwhile a mother of a teen on Mumsnet simply said, ‘I’ll swap.’
image from pixabay