Prince Charles has told climate activists they must ditch their private jets and chauffeur driven limousines if they are serious about saving the planet.
Speaking from one of his vast country mansions at the weekend the Prince said campaigners must think twice about how their selfish actions impact on the planet.
‘Blocking roads on the way to the airport where one keeps their private jet is not at all helpful’ said the Prince while reloading his shotgun ‘it took me an absolute age to get from my little nine bedroom estate in Gloucestershire to my little fifty-two bedroom estate in Scotland…luckily for me I have access to a private helicopter, otherwise the journey would have taken over an hour….an unnecessarily long time for such a short journey’ the next-in-line told Town and Country magazine.
Prince Charles said he understood why groups like Extinction Rebellion were taking their protests to the streets…’they feel like nobody is listening…I feel their frustration too. I have managed to reduce my carbon footprint by switching the heating at Birkhall to biomass burner. We now burn fifty pound notes, old charity collection boxes….and those dirty old cardboard boxes homeless people use as makeshift hides to shelter from the cold’.
The prince had earlier shown how serious he was about climate change by planting a tree on the 50,000 acre estate.
‘Now you must excuse me….Biffy Harpington-Strong has already bagged a stag and three plump grouse and I’ve only got these pheasant and a buzzard to show for my morning stroll…..he will pull my leg mercifully if I don’t bag a few more’.
image pixabay/ValiGreceanu