Canada will be increasing the number of coconut shies and tea cup rides that it has, now that a Carney is set to become Prime Minister.
A Canadian spokes-moose downed a pint of maple syrup before smashing an ice hockey puck into the middle distance.
'If Donald Trump wants Canada, it's only because he loves poutine as much as Putin. Still, he's going to have to stand behind the line and throw a suspiciously bouncy ball into a suspiciously shallow bucket. Can he really hook a duck with those tiny hands? Let's distract him with dodgems and candy floss.'
Donald Trump himself was seen tugging on a robot's sleeve and whining 'Can I go on the rides and have some candy Elon? Can I? Can I? Can I? Go on… pleeeeeease? You won't ever have to pay any tax ever again. Pinky swear?'