A source close to Boris Johnson has defended the playing of Gloria Gaynor’s dance floor classic ‘I Will Survive’ during a Covid ‘works event’ saying it was played as a motivational set piece and was in no way intended for staff to get up and dance to.
After videos emerged of Johnson sporting a white disco suit and silver platform shoes dancing to the 70’s disco anthem on a make-shift dance floor next to a child’s swing in the Downing Street rose garden, the beleaguered PM said it was all an attempt to boost moral amongst hard working staff.
A statement said: 'It was the PMs birthday and Carrie had invited some work colleagues over....they brought a work related cake and some work related bottles of wine and everyone listened to some work related music'
The video also showed Johnson dancing under a large glitter-ball, cigarette dangling from his lips and sniffing poppers from a bottle as he once again motivated his work force to even greater heights of work related work.
The Gaynor classic was quickly followed by other motivational tracks from the Bee Gees, Barry White and Black Lace.
‘Agadoo….er…..we play that to remind us what exciting new trade deals can be done with other nations now that we are no longer bound by EU regulations…..what other reason could there be’?