1962: Thaw in East-West relations as Kennedy and Khrushchev bond over amazing 'Cuban Missile Armageddon' video game.
1966: Referee Neville Chamberlain disallows Geoff Hurst goal against Germany for sake of 'peace in our time'.
1966: Colour television introduced. Couch potatoes discover existence of red, green, blue.
1967: Six-Day War. Israeli soldiers go on strike for five-day wars.
1967: Summer of love and drugs. Mary Whitehouse warns latest Cliff Richard song 'written under influence of Nurofen'.
1969: Festival of Drugs, Mud and STDs a surprise success when rebranded as 'Woodstock'.
1969: 'One giant f*ckup for mankind', says Neil Armstrong as he lands on Mars by mistake.
1973: Queues of panicking customers form outside sex shops as baby-oil crisis kicks in.
1973: 'Britannia caduca est!' wails four-year-old Jacob Rees-Mogg on hearing Britain has joined EEC.
1977: King of Rock and Roll hires 300-pound Elvis impersonator to die and be buried in his place.
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay