Updated: Feb 10, 2022
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Updated: Feb 10, 2022
A child dressed as an angel was sent by her school to ask a vicar, a simple, yet perplexing question which her teacher was unable to answer satisfactorily.
The question: “If there was no room at the inn for the baby Jesus, where did the 3 kings stay?”
The vicar explained that the kings arrived several years later, however this didn't satisfy the angelic child, who then wanted to know if that was the case, why Wayne Dodds who was playing the part of a king, was allowed to be in the naivety play manger, because he keeps tugging her pigtails.
The vicar is understood to have told the child not to believe everything her teachers tell her...
Following complaints that the 2020 Downing Street Christmas party atmosphere was a bit down, organisers have promised that 2021’s will be a ‘mad one’ needing a ‘totally docile press’ to avoid scandals.
Tory intern Henry Hootington-Hurst said ‘The theme last year was “F*ck the Plebs” but that got people down because it made us think about the plebs. This year, Therese Coffey is bringing extra mistletoe and promised to grind on Jacob Rees-Mogg until his nanny intervenes. Sajid Javid is bringing all his friends, which may backfire if none turn up. Michael Gove has promised more E than Easy-E’s Scrabble set. The PM did say to “follow Covid rules” – his air quotes not mine – but then he winked, rubbed his thighs and demanded a hot totty with some hot toddy.’
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