Under pressure from Kamala Harris, who has released medical reports showing that she is in excellent health, Donald Trump has followed suit. His medical report, prepared by his personal physician, Dr Seuss, is as follows:
  His face is shiny
Tears are briny
  Outlook whiny
  Hands are tiny
  His brain is fine
  As good as mine
  His temperature
  Is ninety-nine
  His hair is fair
  I have to share
  His head is bare
  It’s not his hair
  Oh, what a man
  Oh, what a plan
  His face is like
  Green eggs and ham
  He has a heart
  He is a fighter
  I wish he’d do
  His tie up tighter
  His conscience clear
  He has no fear
  He has a hole
  In his right ear
  His skin’s not great
  As you have seen
  It’s an odd shade
  Of tangerine
  His skin is like
  A wrinkled peach
  Or one that’s soaked
  In too much bleach
  At seventy-eight
  His mental state
  Is not so great
  Covfefe, mate
  And so for my
  Enormous fee
  I promise that
  He’s problem free.