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A manager chairing a team meeting will never actually give on a suggestion made by a worker, despite suggesting that he will by saying ‘hold that thought’, it has been confirmed.
Mike McBride, Senior Product Manager at a professional services firm, has admitted that he used the earnest sounding, but ultimately empty, phrase as a means of neatly sidelining a suggestion by Mitch, an enthusiastic new starter to the company in the middle of a presentation McBride was giving.
‘Following up on what Mitch said in the meeting might actually involve some effort or thinking on my part’, explained McBride. ‘His intervention also showed incredible naivety, in that it assumed I actually gave a damn about his or anyone else's views'.
'I've asked my PA to explore the feasibility of scheduling some focus groups to potentially stress-test your excellent idea', explained McBride after a polite email from Mitch two weeks after the meeting to see if his suggestion had been followed through on.
'The Location of the meeting?’, continued McBride. ‘To be confirmed once the issue stops moving in the very long grass I've just kicked it into'.

Donald Trump is running on a Make America Cold Again platform in 2024, after his research has found a correlation between the number of words for snow and climate change. "Fact: the North Pole is cold because they have 21 words for snow there", he says, pointing to Antarctica on the map. "America is getting warmer because it has only one".
"Canada is a bit better than us", he continues. "It has two words - snow and what is it, neige? - so it's a bit colder. Hell, we can at least catch up with Canada". He will advise the UN Convention on Climate Change to set a target of 15 words for snow by 2030.
However, an Inuit spokesman says Mr Trump has it all wrong. "The reason we have so many words for snow is because our favourite book is Roget's Thesaurus", he reveals. "There's a copy in every igloo around here". He describes the former president's theory as "ridiculous, ludicrous, contemptible, risible, preposterous".
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